The black Light King


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Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Medium: Acrylic and U.V. on cardstock 48" by 48"
year 2012
      Sometimes i wish i was one of those Buddhist monks that never feels pain. Or a guru that takes life so blissfully and sees everything as a game. I wonder what went through the mind of that monk that set himself on fire? I wonder if he ever felt pain?
   Although at times i try to be, I am not perfect and i do have moments of lonesome down syndrome that i have a hard time getting out of. I guess i do get bipolar most of the time and sometimes i wish i never got like that. Making the most of it, means occupying my mind in powerful acts of creation. Life sometimes sucks, so I always resort to making art to heal my pain and escape from messed up feelings within. At shows, many people seem to ask me, Why are you always painting? I can never give a straight answer, but i know that it somehow makes me feel better and allows me to cope with stressful situations. I always laugh at critics who are quick to judge on other peoples art. Especially when those critics cant even draw at all!! Stupid critics!! But I guess everyone gets criticized for there art at one point or another. One of the major reasons why i paint, is not to please an audience, but rather to help me feel better whenever I'm feeling stressed out and lonesome. With this piece, I felt the strong urge to capture negative aspects of death, but still put a  balanced harmony of aesthetic beauty. I thought a Lot about pollution, politicians, snakes, and blood. I was really eager to convey a piece that symbolizes how the living see death and negative symbols that are predominant upon our culture. I was feeling so down, so i wanted to see where a concentration of all this negativity will lead me too. The Day of the dead women in the center, symbolizes eternal beauty of the female caught in the crossroads of death and destruction.  Its so weird, but creating art, wether its music, sculpture, writing, dancing or painting really does heal the mind and helps one get through another day.

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